Monday, February 16, 2009

Fish 65 or Hot Hot Indian Chili Fish


She was hesitant, nervous even

Dancing had never been her forte. To say that she had two left feet would be a mere understatement. The last that she had wiggled her fat hips were at the New Year Eve party but that didn't count because mostly people were under the influence and she had an excuse -- the baby in her arms.

But she so wanted to. As she rolled around the name on her tongue it sounded so much fun, maybe even wild, certainly not something that a middle class bengali girl from a bhadro family would do. She imagined graceful women with flaming red lips in swishing silks twirled around by tall, dark men with taut muscles. And she decided she would go.

"But I don't know much dancing, is that ok ?", she muttered to the girl at the reception
"I don't know but it seems like so much fun. Why don't you try?", whispered the young girl

She looked around, shuffled her feet, took a deep breath and pushed open the glass door.


The room was bare with mirrors all around washed in white light. Maybe they will dim these she thought. She looked around and instead of swirling silks she saw these women, so many of them, all fit and flat, their slim legs encased in fitted black leotards, their chests pulled back in black top tanks. She didn't see any men and was secretly thankful, she didn't want to be twirled around by unknown men after all.

And then the beat started, it was pulsating, fast and made your heart jump.
And she let her inhibitions drift
and she danced....

While all the fit ladies in black went left, she in her faded tees and crumpled tracks went right. While they shook their slim waists in circles, she with the girth of Saroj Khan shook hips like Amitabh Bachchan. She wiggled and jiggled and sweated and panted.

It didn't matter anymore, her lack of skills, lack of glistening hot men or silks, lack of her hand-eye co-ordination. What mattered was that she was having fun and sweating in the process.

And so Bong Mom danced away to the rhythms of Zumba at her neighborhood sports club

If the neighborhood sports club had any business acumen, they would cash in on the above event and arrange for a peep show, after all its not everyday that you see fat bong mammas jiggling lard out of sync with Latin music.

Back home she wanted something spicy out of her salmon and with a brain that had been charged up by all that energy she decided to make Fish 65 a la Chicken 65. It was hot and spicy and immensely fulfilling, a tad more than the Zumba.


Fish 65 with the other half's Brown Rice Khichuri

Fish 65 or Hot Indian Chilli Fish

This was just enough to serve two people

Marinate about 2 cups of filet of fish cut in bite size pieces in 1 tsp of Tamari or Soy sauce, 2 tsp of fresh lime juice, 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger, 1 tsp of garlic paste, 1/2 tsp of cumin powder, 1/2 tsp of Garam Masala Powder, 1/2 tsp of Red Chilli Powder for an hour or so. I used salmon but you can use any other filet of fish too.

Heat oil, enough to shallow fry the fishes

Sprinkle 1 tbsp of corn flour on the fish, toss them and fry them in oil till nicely browned on both sides. I had salmon and shallow fried them, but you can also deep fry. Remove the fish pieces and keep aside.

In the same oil, fry 2 fat cloves of garlic finely minced, 3 chopped green chillies and 6-7 curry leaves till you get a wonderful aroma

Add 1/2 cup of finely chopped red onion

Fry till the onion are translucent and light pink in color

Add the fried pieces of fish and mix well, carefully so that fish pieces do not break

In 1 heaped tbsp of thick yogurt, add 1/4 tsp of R. Chilli Powder, 1/4 tsp of ginger paste, mix well and add it to the fish in the pan. I wanted this to be totally dry so did not add any more yogurt.

Add salt, toss the fish around and let it cook on slow heat for maybe 5-8 minutes.

You will get a beautiful aroma and the yogurt will totally dry up. Taste and if you think it is fine you are done

Serve with wedges of lemon

Note: Depending on your heat tolerance up or down the Red Chilli powder and green chilli. This was ok hot, not good for my daughter but we could have definitely tolerated more

Trivia:The word "ZUMBA" is derived from a Colombian word meaning "fast moving". Its also a fusion of the word "samba" the Brazilian dance and the Latin word "rumba" meaning "party". In other words Zumba ® means" to move fast and have fun"



  1. When I saw the title I was reminded of a joke in a malayalam movie about chicken 65 :D

    the kichuri is new to me. love that it uses brown rice.

  2. LOL, you crack me up Sandeepa... :D I am glad you found a workout that you enjoy... I am still looking.... Well, not really, I've given up on exercize completely... :)

  3. You do have a sense of humour Sandeepa. Love that arrangement in the pic ...the khichuri in the papad ... I too call my h the other half ... am not in favour of the term 'better half'. ;-)

  4. Must add that the fish looks so crispy and dry in spite of the yogurt masala. Can bhetki fillets be used for this?

  5. That is great way to loose few inches ! I make fish this way for my kid who is fond but kichuri sounds fabulous!

  6. Zumba ho, ho, ho! Can lard ever be in sync? :-(

    Now, was fit and FLAT your way of getting back at THEM? Forgive me if I read meanings that weren't, but I'm on your side of the fence too!

  7. Hi hi wonderful post, i have had chicken 65 not with fish, these looks so yumm.

  8. LOL!! Hey, glad atleast you are trying to dance there, first step towards being skinny! Enjoy and good luck. Never mind how others look, dance away! :))

    Cool HOT HOT Fish, photo looks great too. Enjoy!

  9. really hot chilli fish..I am drooling...

  10. :) :) Sandeepa, you make me want to watch the peep show, well don't get me wrong, I was talking about the chilli fish. Looks really tasty.

  11. :-) :-) Very well written.

    That fish looks like I could gobble up all of it right now. Like the way u presented it:-)

  12. hehehe...i am in for that peep show if someone is arranging :P But I truly admire you...don't lose your spirit.....dancing is really fun....exercise as well as relaxation...even tho i have a strong desire to join here, i really havent gained the courage yet...i think i should spend a day with u :)

    As you pack some of that fish (ofcoz for me ) can i ask , did your hubby snort green tea thru the nose? :) I am curious...;)))

    It was an humorous post :)

  13. Nags
    The joke is on Chicken 65. Khichuri is like "khichdi", a diff of a spice here or there

    It is fun but only if I manage to land up for every class, have already missed one

    I used very little yogurt as I said and I wanted it dry. Bhetki to bhalo-i hobe money hoy

    Ahhh, only if my daughter would eat this. She is anyway on a veg diet these days, doesn't seem to like fish or chicken

    Its not that I am immensely well endowed in that dept. that I would make fun of them being flat ;-) These were really really slim women though. I always see very slim women hogging the gym, what is it with them ?

    Happy Cook

    It tasted pretty good I would say

    Thanks :)

    I can never ever be skinny :( not in my genes. But I really want to be fit and not ache and pain with running after 2 kids. And that was the main agenda to get a workout.



    Yeah, yeah come on why not ? Seriously, I could have never done that class if I had a familiar face there, my dance skills are zero.

    Thank U, thank U :)

    Just go ahead and join, people don't mind or even pay attention.
    And about the hubby, ask him if you ever get to see him :D

  14. i've been doing the rounds of the gyms for over 10 years now, it's always the slim ones who are more religious about exercise than the fat ones. It figures, pun v much intended!

  15. that really was very funny! and I saw a glimpse of myself in the non-coordinated lady trying to dance to the rhythm. i'm so bad that at a wedding i went to my friend's 80-year-old grandad gave up on me!

  16. Sandeepa, that is soooooo cute!! :) I wish I had your guts. Really! I shall try 'wiggling and jiggling' in front of the bathroom though! :) I`m sure it mustve been awesome fun for you! As for the fish, shall give it a try. Looks really good.

  17. Yeah I quite understand or don't why slim people need to exercise! I can see myself doing a jig if that promises to throw some fat away :) Dance away Bong mom:)

  18. LOL! At least you are working out...:) I am only paying the gym fees & go there once in a blue moon, the day I suddenly come across one of the 'old' dresses, that I cant fit in now...

    A pity I cant have this spicy crispy fish. Any veggie alternative for this one?

  19. the hotter the better I loved to see a spicy fish dish as not many attempt this. it really balances things out ...loved it :)

  20. Oh Sandeepa, this was so good. Thanks for the laugh today! The main this is that you had fun!

  21. Sandeepa!! you are too funny!! i am yet to try zumba...have watched it tho...still do not have the guts to attempt it....have fun!!

  22. Hahaha!! I completely understand S, get fit and firm rather.
    They say that my hips are "made to have kids!!" too, in a good way of course! :P

    Oh, however big my thali is, first thing my kids ask is "is there any chicken?". when I say no, it doesn't matter how delicious thali is, I don't get respect!! :D

  23. Sandeepa, you so pepped my spirits. I am thinking of joining Zumba nearby ! I so LOVE dancing...that I sometimes dance alone at home to music, when no one's around of course.

    You fishy looks oh-so good. But I recently find salmon too fishy.

    take care

  24. Enjoyed reading the post. Zumba sounds like fun, San! Good luck with the lard shedding. I need to do that too but of course, first I need to get off the couch! :)

  25. Loved the presentation of the dish, btw! Fish looks hot, hot and spicy!

  26. This is soo fishy and mouth watering...

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Piper, Maninas, Jyo, Cynthia

    Thanks for the cheering :)

    Hear you pun et al


    Try Tofu or paneer

    Just go girl, you'll be fine

    Your kids are like D !!!

    If you CAN and LOVE dance you should surely go. Please go, I tell you and come and tell me how you liked it.
    You need such stuff to get your mind out of "climate control" or maybe "global warming" :)

    You need no Zumba. Whatever pics I have seen of you, you have a gorgeous figure, you will be like those slim girls always in the gym if you get off that couch and ever go.


  29. wow Sandeepa ....the recipe looks so is so crispy.

    This is my first visit to ur blog and I just love ur presentation and everything...good one

  30. Sandeepa,
    spicy fish khob tasty lagche..nischoyi khete bhalo hoyeche..
    aar Zumba, salsa/tango ami je kono dance kori aamaar komor patla hoye naa. ki kori ?? kono kale kathak kortaam ekhon bhole gechi ..
    you must enjoy the session after gruelling day's work and attending lil kids.....
    hugs and smiles

  31. LOL! Sandeepa, have you ever seen the movie "Best in Show"? It's a mockumentary about the dog show circuit. One of the characters has two left feet, literally. I have a feeling you do a whole lot better than he. ; )

    That fish looks so darned good.

  32. LOL the presentation 65 looks very delicious

  33. I love the chilli fish. You should have spelt it Phish, the Bangali way! Also, most intrigued by your parenting advice. Please keep them coming for us newby types...

  34. Sandeepa, I love coming back here time and again and reading your posts :) I love brown rice khichuri and now my mom is also a fan!

  35. Sandeepa - so glad to see you back (and with a bang!) This looks so amazing - must try for sure! BTW, shomoy pele do post a salmon'er kalia made in the oven recipe - seems like I am the only Bong around who doesn't make it!
    BTW - hats off to you, 2 small kids at home and you are still making such amazing food. Are you still working or taking a break?

  36. Sandeepa, I had left a comment here few days back asking for Kichuri recipe, can't find my comment:(

  37. dish to me ..will surely give a try..

  38. hello sir, i have had read recipe of 65 at many places and various posts. but i have one question that why it is called 65 and with total surprise all 65 dishes are different from each other. which state it belong to? will you pls expalin me. thannks.

  39. sounds yum.. this is quite different from the recipe I use for chicken 65.. here's a link:

    Using fish instead of chicken is a great idea - will give it a try sometime!

  40. its a Mouth watering fish delicious


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